But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore




The streets of Afghanistan are full of homeless people: children and women must sleep either on the streets or in abandoned warehouses. Many cannot make sense of this new environment; taxes are high, commodities are expensive, and life is harder than ever.

Most families do not have money and cannot afford to pay for food. At these times, the terrifying reality is that women and children are more vulnerable than ever.

SAW is working hard to address the rising sense of despair and head off the danger of a full-scale emergency, and we need your help right now.

So far already, we’ve provided support to hundred families, but there is so much more to do.

The Need

SAW is looking for financial support from donors and People donations which will go directly towards constructing basic living areas and sheltering homeless Afghan refugees and other affected Afghans.