But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore




Women in Afghanistan are facing great challenges in meeting their reproductive and sexual health needs. conflict, poverty, lack of health services, and births without doctors or midwives, Afghanistan had the second highest maternal mortality rate in the world.

SAW initiated a health program to save lives and promote the well-being of mothers and their newborns in remote areas and beyond. Mothers and newborns living in remote areas of Afghanistan are more likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth. The main reason is that many women are not able to access health care and could only be examined by female health professionals as male doctors were not allowed to visit them. and also, a lack of quality health care centers, shortages of well-trained medical providers, and a lack of emergency transport.

SAW launched several pieces of training for mothers on how to take care of pregnancy and after birth.

The Need

Mothers and newborns living in remote areas of Afghanistan are more likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth than in urban settings. Barriers are the poor economy, quality care shortages of well-trained medical providers, health structures in need of medical equipment and repair, and a lack of emergency transport. To provide quality health services and reduce the number of death SAW is looking for financial support from donors and donations to work on increasing Health awareness programs, health/birthing centers, and skilled birth attendants.