But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Food & Agriculture

Food & Agriculture

The goal of this SAW is to increase agricultural and livestock productivity, and improve food security, for rural households in remote areas. The Program also aims to reduce gender disparities by increasing the social and economic status of women.
To these ends, SAW focuses on enhancing productive assets, skills, services, technologies, and income opportunities in the targeted households. The target group includes small-scale farmers and livestock-keepers, including landless households; women and female-headed households; and resettled and nomadic Kuchi people.
The program is organized around three mutually reinforcing components:

  • Community development, including improving infrastructure and building the capacity of local communities and institutions
  • Livestock and agriculture development, with a strong emphasis on women and other vulnerable and marginalized segments of the rural population
  • Project management, policy support, and a young professionals program attracting highly qualified and motivated young project staff.

In addition, the project aims to strengthen some weak areas of the value chain, including smallholders’ linkages with markets.

The Need

SAW is looking for financial support from donors and People donations to start working on programs that include small-scale farmers and livestock-keepers, including landless households; women and female-headed households; and resettled and nomadic Kuchi people.