Agriculture and Food Security
- Agriculture and Food Security situation in Afghanistan
Agriculture has traditionally dominated Afghanistan’s economy and contributed significantly to its growth. About 70 percent of Afghans live and work in rural areas, mostly on farms, and 61 percent of all households derive income from agriculture. Despite a decline in its share of Afghanistan’s overall economy, the sector still employs 40 percent of the workforce. More than half of Afghans living in rural areas contribute to agriculture. With the right mix of policies and investments, the agriculture sector can drive down poverty and boost sustained growth in Afghanistan through jobs, better productivity, and inclusiveness.
- Afghanistan’s rural economy is experiencing an influx of youth workers into the labor force, Increasing the competition for every new job. The rural economy, however, still needs to be equipped to absorb all workers into the labor market. As a result, more than 50 percent of rural youth workers are involved in agriculture and livestock, primarily as unpaid family workers.
- The female labor force participation rate (women that work for paid income) in rural areas continues to be below 29 percent, with 60 percent of employed women working in the livestock sector. Four out of five female rural workers are unpaid family workers, compared with only one out of five male workers.
- Despite the high employment share, the low percentage of agricultural income is mainly due to limited market participation and the high number of unpaid family workers. Few rural households that own garden plots or raise livestock sell at the market to earn income. Youth and women constitute a large portion of this unpaid workforce.
- The crop agriculture subsector needs to be diversified and more concentrated on wheat. The lack of crop variety has made farm households vulnerable to stagnant or declining wheat prices in local markets. While farmers continue to produce grain and other food crops for subsistence to ensure food security, the lack of profitability in wheat production may prompt them to cultivate poppy on irrigated land.
- Community development, including improving infrastructure and building the capacity of local communities and farmers.
- Livestock and agriculture development, with a strong emphasis on women and other vulnerable and marginalized segments of the rural population
- Project management, policy support, and a young professionals program attract highly qualified and motivated young project staff.
- Strengthen some weak areas of the value chain, including smallholders’ linkages with markets.
It aims to increase agricultural and livestock productivity and improve food security for rural households in remote areas to reduce gender disparities by increasing women’s social and economic status. The production of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and livestock can create more sustainable and inclusive jobs if farmers have technical knowledge, financial support, and greater access to market facilities. Commercial production of fruits and nuts and livestock products would increase income and employment, including helping to create new jobs for young workers in related areas. Improving the horticulture and livestock economy could also increase the employment share in food processing.
The Need
SAW is looking for financial support from donors and People donations to start working on programs that provide greater access to market facilities. Commercial production and livestock products would increase income and employment, including helping to create new jobs for young workers in related area